Environmental / Health & Safety Policies


The Management Committee of Ripple Parish Hall recognises and accepts the concerns for the environment. In this respect, the Committee will seek actively to reduce the Hall's impact on the environment where practical and to continually improve the Environmental.

Any threat of pollution to the environment from the activities within Ripple Parish Hall will be identified and either eliminated or effectively controlled.

The Committee will, and endeavour to ensure all Hall users, comply with applicable Environmental Legislation.

It is therefore the intention of Ripple Parish Hall ,Management Committee to ensure that the following is carried out so far as is reasonably possible:-

1.         Minimise any disturbance to the global environment by ensuring all redundant, damaged or faulty batteries and electronic equipment is disposed of in accordance with WEE directive.

2.         Disposal and transportation of waste will be carried out in a responsible manner with due regard to all environmental considerations. The Committee will endeavour to minimise spillages and maintain good housekeeping as part of our system of compliance.

3.         Equipment will be maintained to the highest possible standard in order to minimise accidents and unforeseen occurrences providing the maximum practical environmental protection.

4.         In order to assist in reducing emissions and power consumption, the Committee will always attempt to improve equipment performance with improved maintenance and operations that will help conserve energy resources.

5.         The Committee will make all Hall users aware of their individual responsibilities for acting in accordance with the environmental policy.

6.         Information necessary to enable any Hall Users providing food, drink or other materials are be properly used, stored and disposed of, so as to avoid unacceptable effects on man or the environment.

All Committee members must take individual responsibility to ensure that environmental issues are carefully considered when making decisions with regards to the use and future of Ripple Parish Hall.

The Management Committee have taken progressive actions to improve insulation, reduce power consumption and encourage recycling.

The policy will be made available to the public upon request, and displayed on our website.

Health and Safety Policy 

The Health, Safety and Welfare of all those managing, using and visiting Ripple Parish Hall is paramount at all times.

The policy of the Management Committee is to take reasonably practicable measures in relation to the management of Ripple Parish Hall, to comply with all legislative requirements and codes of practice relating to the duties which it has, in order to;

1.      provide healthy and safe working conditions, equipment and systems for our Committee Members and Hirers.

2.     keep the Parish Hall and equipment in a safe condition for all users;

3.     provide all necessary support and information to Hall users, hirers and outside contractors. The Committee will                work in the furtherance of these aims by:

a)   identifying and assessing risks;

b)  recording assessments and regularly reviewing them;

c)  eliminating or controlling risks;

d)  monitoring compliance and work conditions;

e)  establishing a clear, sensible and practical safety organisation and arrangements.


All Committee Members, Hirers, Contractors and Users of the Hall are expected to recognise and accept their duties:

a)  to follow health and safety instructions and to report dangers;

b)  to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their           acts and omissions;

c)  as regards any duty imposed on the Committee, to co‐operate so far as is necessary, to enable that duty to be                 performed or complied with.

General Responsibilities:

a)  All persons have responsibility for ensuring that their actions do not compromise the health and safety of                           themselves or any other person on the premises.

b)  Anyone who observes a practice or potential hazard, that could compromise the health and safety of any person,           has the responsibility to act to remove such danger and further to report such incidents in the Incident Book for the       attention of the Committee.

c)  Any person noticing potentially hazardous, broken or ineffective equipment has the responsibility to remove such          equipment from use immediately, to draw attention to the Parish Hall Management Committee, and identify defects      by the use of appropriate means (e.g. a warning label) and to note such action in the Incident Book for the attention      of the Committee.

Hirers are responsible for:

a)  complying with all conditions of hire, as set out in the Hiring Agreement, and for ensuring that their Hirers may have       responsibilities above and beyond these with regard to insurance and statutory requirements relating to their                   particular organisation/activity;

b)  ensuring familiarity with fire safety checks (e.g. keeping fire exits clear) and evacuation procedures;

c)  designating a responsible person at each hiring/event who will take charge of evacuation in case of emergency;

d)  ensuring that highly flammable substances are not brought into or used in any part of the premises;

e)  seeking the consent of the Management Committee before erecting any internal decorations that may contain               combustible materials and ensuring that any allowed decorations are not placed near light fittings or heaters;

f)   checking that, if any portable electrical equipment is brought onto the premises, it is safe for use/has been P.A.T.               tested. 

Contractors are responsible for:

a)  safe working practices in respect of themselves and their employees and for meeting their statutory obligations             with regard to Health & Safety legislation and Public Liability Insurance;

b)  having regard to the safety of hall users when working on the premises and/or in respect of anything left/stored on         the premises;

c)  advising the Committee of any flammable or toxic substances that may be used in the course of work on the                   premises.

The Committee are responsible for:

a)   ensuring that all Committee Members, Hirers, Contractors and Users of the Hall are aware of the Health and Safety          Policy;

b)   ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is fully implemented;

c)   monitoring compliance with Health and Safety guidelines;

d)   regularly assessing and reviewing risks and recording such risks;

e)   keeping an 'Incident Book' in which any incidents or actions that have, or might have, affected the health and                    safety of any person may be reported and in which any defective or broken equipment may be noted;

f)   taking such action as may be necessary to rectify the situation, to correct faults or to arrange repair of equipment         to ensure health and safety and noting such action;

g)  making such arrangements and releasing such funds as may be necessary to assist in the implementation of this         Policy;

h)  making such representations to Committee Members, Hirers, Contractors and Users of the Hall, as may be                           necessary to ensure their co‐operation with Health and Safety Policy, particularly with regard to their actions and             activities while on the premises;

i)   co-operating with Hirers, Contractors and Users of the Hall in pursuance of Health and Safety requirements.

The Health and Safety representative on the Committeehas been delegated by the Management Committee to manage the following: 

  • First Aid Box - Check and replenish stocks at least twice per year
  • Checking Incident Book/Reports prior to each Committee meeting or as advised of incidents. - Instigate any actions necessary to remove risks e.g. repairs. Report to committee at each meeting or as soon as necessary. Ensure any changes to the Risk Assessment are instigated.
  • Reporting Accidents/RIDDOR - Minor accidents to be logged. Report to committee at each meeting or as necessary. Ensure any changes to the Risk Assessment are instigated. Complete RIDDOR forms as necessary. 
  • Information to Hirers (Bookings Secretary) - For each booking check that new hirers have read and agreed to 'Terms and Conditions'. When amendments made to policy/Risk Assessments contact all hirers to inform and gain their acknowledgement. 
  • Information to Contractors  - Liaise with contractors (including self‐employed persons) before work is started. Gain their acknowledgement that they have seen the Health & Safety Policy/Risk Assessments and are aware of their responsibilities.
  • Risk Assessments/Monitoring - Complete Risk Assessment forms, monitor and update as necessary. Report to committee at each meeting and advise relevant people to inform hirers/contractors as necessary if amendments are made. 
  • Fire Risk Assessments/Monitoring - Complete Fire Risk Assessment, monitor and update as necessary. Report to committee at each meeting and advise relevant people to inform hirers/contractors as necessary if amendments are made.
  • Annual/regular Testing/Safety Certificates - Make arrangements for regular inspections electrical appliances, fire extinguishers, electrical installations, fire alarms.  Keep relevant certificates and display copies on notice board as required.
  • Safety Notices - Produce and display relevant safety notices in appropriate areas, including copies of Fire Evacuation Procedures and Floor Plans.
  • Implementation of Policy - Co‐ordinate overall management of policy, including amendments and annual review 


Hirers will be expected to read through the whole of the Standard Hiring Conditions and sign the hiring form as evidence that they agree and accept these conditions. The hiring conditions will inform all hirers about safety procedures at the hall, which they will be expected to follow (e.g. fire evacuation; use of equipment; reporting of incidents/accidents).

Contractors will be made aware of Health & Safety Policy, any identified risks and their responsibilities.

The Committee member with specific responsibilities for aspects of Health & Safety will report to The Management Committee at each committee meeting.

The full policy will be reviewed annually, with risk assessments and necessary amendments being made as necessary throughout the year. Such amendments will be appended to the policy documents and made known to Committee Members, Hirers, Contractors and Users of the Hall.


These guidelines are provided to assist users in fulfilling their Health & Safety responsibilities.


  • The entrance must be clear of obstacles and hazards at all times that people are entering or leaving the building.
  • Wet floors must be made safe by the application of an absorbent, non‐slip surface until such time as the floor can be thoroughly dried.
  • The premises should be adequately heated, such heating to be used in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions and to be adequately maintained and regularly serviced.
  • Radiators and pipes should not be allowed to become excessively hot and heating controls should be checked and adjusted accordingly.
  • Water should not be heated above 60 degrees Centigrade.
  • Any floor coverings should lie flat and edges should not be allowed to curl up.
  • Spills must be cleared up quickly to prevent slipping.
  • Any concerns regarding any electrical installation, plug, lead etc must be notified to the appropriate person/authority immediately.
  • Any electrical equipment where there are signs of damage, exposure of components or water penetration etc. must not be touched or operated.
  • All hirers should acquaint themselves with the position of the fuse box/main switch.
  • Electrical leads must not be allowed to trail across floors or from areas where they might be pulled or become caught up.
  • Fire extinguishers will be regularly serviced and all persons should fully acquaint themselves with the position and mode of operation of all extinguishers.
  • All hirers must make themselves aware of the procedure to follow in the event of fire.
  • All hirers should be aware of the position of Fire Exits and must ensure that these are kept clear at all times.
  • As good practice hirers should have a method to account for the number of persons present during their hire.
  • If the oven/cooker is in use it should not be left unattended, even for a short time.
  • Kettles should not be over‐filled nor should the leads be left to trail over the edge of the worktop.
  • Children should not be in the kitchen
  • All cleaning solutions etc. must be kept out of the reach of children.
  • Due care should be exercised in the car park area.
  • All equipment should be adequately maintained to ensure that there are no sharp edges, loose screws, splinters etc. and that it is fit for purpose.
  • Any freestanding equipment should be sturdy or adequately secured to prevent it from being moved or toppled.
  • All persons should exercise care in storage areas, both while removing and replacing items.
  • Each person is responsible for ensuring that any item they stack or replace on a shelf cannot fall or be knocked and so cause injury.
  • Care should be exercised when pulling the loaded chair trolley from the stores. When open/closing tables or stacking chairs be mindful of the potential for injury to hands/fingers if due care is not exercised.
  • Hirers are responsible for the safety of people on the premises during the period of their hire and should supervise as necessary.

Working Practices  - It is your responsibility to protect yourself from injury when lifting, carrying, pulling or pushing. In order to do this the following guidelines should be observed:

  • Do not attempt to lift anything that you know to be beyond your capability.
  • Ask for help with large, heavy or awkward items.
  • Where possible, lighten the load, separate items so that they are more manageable.
  • When lifting heavy objects bend your knees and keep your back straight, ask for assistance if necessary.  Similarly with reaching to remove/replace something on a high shelf or to position something on the wall above head height, it is your responsibility to protect yourself from injury, as well as to safeguard others by acting responsibly. In order to do this the following guidelines should be followed:
  • Ensure that you are sufficiently elevated to see what you are doing, do not attempt to pull
  • something from a shelf above head height without first checking that it is safe to do so.
  • Use an appropriate ladder or step to enable you to reach, do not stand on chairs, not only
  • could a resultant fall cause you injury but could also lead to the injury of others nearby.
  • Ask for help if necessary.
  • Do not work at height, on steps or ladders until they are properly secured and another person is present.  Wear suitable protective clothing/eye protection when undertaking tasks that may involve contact with toxic substances or dust/debris etc.

Hygiene - In the interests of health good hygiene practices are essential. The following guidelines should be observed:

  • Disposable paper hand towels must be provided.
  • Plastic gloves should be readily available and should be worn at all times that there might be
  • contact with body fluids e.g. when cleaning toilet areas or for dealing with spilt blood from
  • whatever cause.
  • All surfaces at which food is to be prepared or eaten must first be thoroughly cleaned with an
  • appropriate cleaner.
  • Hands must be thoroughly washed before food preparation.

First Aid - A well stocked and appropriately labelled First Aid Box is available in the main kitchen.

Accident Report Forms - These forms are used to record all cuts, bumps, falls etc. as well as more serious accidents and are available in the forms rack in the main kitchen.

The important details to be recorded are:

  • the name of the casualty
  • the date, time and place that the incident/accident occurred
  • the cause of the accident i.e. what happened
  • a brief description of the injury (if any) sustained
  • the first aid (or other) treatment administered and by whom
  • whether or not medical aid had to be sought
  • the name of the person who dealt with the incident.

Incident Book - Any person being aware of any practice, action or incident that has, or could have been, injurious to the health of any person, has a duty to record such incident in the Incident Book for the attention of The Management Committee.

Any person discovering a faulty or broken piece of equipment should take appropriate action to remove or make safe such equipment and should record all details in the Incident Book for the attention of The Committe

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